GALLO SNACKS - Hambre de Gloria
Styleframes and matte painting done at Gizmo Studio, under the direction of Flamboyant Paradise.
Character designs by Fer Sawa. 
Matte paint used in a couple of takes. A mix of photobashing and digital painting.
Final piece by Gizmo.
SMITE - Ragnarok Hades

Concept art and matte painting done in Gizmo Studio under the direction of Ema Verruno.
Matte painting.
Final piece by Gizmo.
Concept art pieces I did in Gizmo, teaming up with artist Pablo Aschei, who helped me with color, details and textures (I made the linework and basic values, and final render & lighting touches after Pablo's color work). Sadly, the project was rejected.
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