Heart of a Lio - Gatorade
Color keys, matte painting and other designs I did for the latest Gatorade short film about Lionel Messi. Done at Gizmo Studio, under the supervision of directors Ema Verruno, Flamboyant Paradise and Nico Presas, and lighting supervisor Paolo Giordana. A great experience with the amazing team of CG artists, producers and directors at Gizmo.

Color keys done for the piece. A great experience, being supported by lighting supervisor Paolo Giordana.

Final approaches on character design, finding correct proportions and geometrical shapes on Lio's face. Created over previous designs by Ariel Anabitarte and Fer Sawa.

Chalkboard drawing with plan to stop Messi.

Background buildings and trees.
Matte Paintings

360º matte painting

God of Football